Skyrim Better Looking Children

Were they monsters, yes.were they dangerous, yes, but they were also sixy and seductive. Anne Rice also portrayed her vamps as sensual beings, though they lacked the abitily to actually have six because they have no blood flow. The whole point is that I just want to be better looking if I choose to be a vampire in TES-Skyrim. To make your game better looking and more stable then incrementally add gameplay mods from below to customize your game. Skyrim through the eyes of a child - an alternate start: Play as a child (male or female). Parents have both died. Immersive Skyrim Thunder: Adds better rain and thunder sound effects.

Skyrim GEMS is a 1-page, quick-reference catalog of lore-friendly GameplayEnhancement Mods for Skyrimwith a focus on mods that create a more realistic, immersive and challenging experience. Last Update: Jun 10, 2016. Use instead. Fixeshundreds of gameplay, quest, NPC, object, item, text and placement bugs. DG.

Skyrim Mods Better Looking Children

Use instead. Fixeshundreds of gameplay, quest, NPC, object, item, text and placement bugs. DB. Use instead. Fixesdozens of gameplay, quest, NPC, object, item, text and placement bugs HF. Use instead.

Fixesdozens of bugs for Hearthfire. SKSE One mod that includes several different mods:.- Lets you run the game maximized within a borderless window so you can ALT+Tab. ( or are both popular alternatives).- Fixes double cursor problem when Alt+Tab back to game. Prevents CTD (Crash to Desktop) when starting showRaceMenu. Menuopens faster for players with lots of hair mods.

(Not needed if using as it now includes thisfeature)An updated version of the original. Fixes many bugs and inconsistencies beyond those fixed by the (UKSP is strongly recommended but notrequired). Renames items for easier sorting. Improves values and properties to achieve higherconsistency in progression. Compatible with Vanilla, DawnGuard and/or Dragonborn DLCs.Fixes inconsistencies in clothing, jewelry, and other items - fixes weights,pricing, allows circlets to be worn with hoods, makes jewelery visible when worn and more.Fixes meshes for Vanilla weapons so they look less like weapons from WOW andmore like actual swords. Compatible with Immersive Weapons and any texture mods.Adjusts interior light sources that cause the shadow striping effect.

Does notconflict with lighting mods. NOTE: Not needed if using RLO (Realistic Lighting Overhaul) orELFX (Enhanced Lights and FX)Makes distant waterfalls and windmills animated (the static distant waterfallsare especially noticeable). Compatible with and.Makes the fan of the windmills larger/more realistic in size. (watch video) SKSE Enhances support for unvoiced in-game dialog byplaying a generic silent voice and lip synch file whenever a dialog response doesn't includevoice. Note: Will also change some place names to Polish.Replaces the fake static water at the blacksmith forges with real water.Allows more books/items per shelfBrynjolf will not approach you and the Thieves Guild quest will not activate ifyou're not a thief - must have stolen items, picked pockets, and have some skill in sneak.Fixes the quest by the Blades to kill Paarthurnax. Without giving anything away,this basically gives you a very important choice where before you had none.

You want this mod.Lets you sell unusual gems to a Khajiit trader (removes 'No Stone Unturned'quest from journal)NOTE: Some report having issues. No longer supported. Fixesthe facial structure of all elves in game - makes them look more like elves instead of goblins.( for DLCpatches, Interesting NPCs + others. For SkyRe patch)Changes the height of all races and some creatures (with gender differences).Optional files: 1) Change 1st person view to match.

2) Make giants 1.5x or 2x bigger. 3) Makegiants louder. 4) Make dragons bigger.Realistically increases differences in height between genders and races forPlayer AND NPCs (see image)Gives more variety in height between races and genders with males generallytaller than females.Makes NPCs with old faces have matching old bodies (see image). Compatible withany body replacer mod, male or female.Fast traveling to a nearby location takes the equivalent time of walking(instead of 1-2 hours)Character holds torch more realistically (changes mesh)110 - UI.

Section Video: to watch a video review of 9 User Interface mods (by ) SKSE 200K+ endorsements. An essential interface modthat displays the inventory, magic and other menus in a detailed table format with categories,sortable columns, status icons and much, much more. SKSE 50K+ endorsements. Hides pieces of theinterface until needed to increase immersion. Highly configrable - control what is hidden orvisible, when they appear, and how transparent.TIP: Try playing with archery crosshairs disabled entirely - It's morerealistic, more challenging and much more fun! (By practicing on archery targets, you can getvery good at shooting freehand) SKSE Displays current game time in HUD. Choosestyle, location, transparency, etc.

Highly configurable. SKSE Displays a ton of information with one small,unobtrusive widget - current game time, current real-life time, hunger, thirst, sleep, etc.Adds real-world alarm clock, immersive game time notifications (e.g. 'You have been away fromWhiterun for 3 days'), immersive wait, dyanmic timescale that varies by situation(configurable). Timescale while traveling increases 1 per sec to 'virtually' increase distance.Automatic autosaves at key moments and intervals.

Skyrim Better Looking Children

Not compatible with Less Intrusive HUD. Workswell with Minimal HUD. SKSE Greatly improves the skills menu. Can alsoextend sleep/wait time up to 30 days.

SKSE Shows useful information when hovering overlootable items - carry weight & max carry weight, it i.e. Is it better than what you have,have you read that book, known ingredients effects, which skill a book will improve,enchantments and spell effects are visible, more. SKSE Adds a new player journal to the game whichlets you create, view and export your own journal entries.

SKSE Hides keypress hint and (optionally) the actiontext when viewing an interactive item. Ex 'E Talk Lydia' = 'Talk Lydia' or 'Lydia'.Includes MCM options for indicating that something is locked, owned, empty, etc.Lets you move, rotate, resize, hide and/or adjust the transparency of everyinterface element. Compatible withandRest/wait without interruptions for up to 31 days.Improves the waiting interface.

Can also extend sleep/wait time (optional) SKSE An alternative to the SkyUI favorities menuthat uses the entire screen to show all of your favorited items by category. Compatible withSkyUI (From SkyUI MCM, go to advanced and deselect 'Favorites Menu' to disable SkyUI'sfavorites menu). If you enjoy this, consider. SKSE Makes dozens of mods compatible with '. (Requires ')Renames items so they sort properly (e.g.


Arrow-Type, Ore-Type, Ingot-Type).Compatible with all DLCs,and other mods.CONSOLE fov Use the console to customize your field of view (how much you can see to theleft and right). Default: fov 65.

Suggests fov 80 for 16:9 display ratios (e.g. 1280 x720, 1920 x 1080, 2568 x 1440.) Example console command: fov 80Fixes keyboard controls for dialog menus - Prevents selecting wrong item with'E' key because mouse pointer took focus away from the keyboard-selected item. When scrollingchoices with mouse wheel, the center item is always the active one.Improves dialog menu interface (easier navigation, better keyboard and mousecontrol) plus 35 in-game menu customization options (e.g. Font, colors, position, brightness,etc)Lets you navigate and select popup message boxes with the keyboard. Also makesdialog options easier to select with the mouse by making clickable areas larger. SKSE A suite of convenient and useful utilities -reposition any static game object, rename anyone or anything, name your save games, mark anyperson, place or thing and see it on the map, auto looting, and more. SKSE A newer, simpler alternative to Immersive FirstPerson View.

Lets you see your body in 1st person mode. Allows 3rd person moments such asriding a horse, sitting, crafting, etc to be viewed in 1st person (MCM configurable) SKSE Enables a true first person perspective whenriding a horse, in werewolf form, fighting, etc. Highly configurable.Makes the character visible in 1st person view.Lets you configure camera behavior when talking to someone e.g. Make camera zoomin closer like Oblivion did. SKSE Lets you modify the camera in almost any wayyou want via MCM i.e. Center camera, don't change zoom when drawing weapon, etc.A simple tweak to Skyrim.ini that allows you to zoom WAAAAY out and view thegame from a Diablo-type perspective.

SKSE Use your voice (microphone) to execute dragonshouts.View shouts in the Dragon Language with or without english translation. Severaldisplay options and combinations available.

(NOTE: video links to old version of the mod)Displays name of the nine holds instead of 'Skyrim'Enhances the quest descriptions in the vanilla game so that you have a clearsense of where you are supposed to go and what you are supposed to do. (An updatedDLC-compatible version of Better Quest Objectives by whickus )Removes quest markers and map markers for major vanilla quests and objectivesand adds detailed directions in the quest description so markers are not needed. Improvesimmersion and encourages exploration.


(Only major vanilla quests completed)Quests are no longer added automatically when talking to an NPC. Quest are onlyadded if you agree to help them. DG+ HF+ DBLets you delay when you want various quest ines to trgger. Helps to prevent so many DLC questlines from being activated at the start of a new game.Lets you remove quests from your journal. (Updated - you can now pick and choosewhich quests to remove)Displays current computer time on loading screens.Removes interface messages - disables Steal Horse, Pickpocket, Unlock, Steal,Activate, Use, Open, Search, Locked, Sit, Talk, Take, Harvest, Read, Close, Ride and EmptyText, etc, etc.Removes unnecessary gameplay information clutter from the lockpicking screen.Changes messages to a first-person point of view.

(A newer alternative to 'Thinkto Yourself Messages' that includes DLC and Frostfall support).Changes messages to a first-person point of view. Section Video: to watch a video demonstrating 6 map mods installed together (by )Replaces zoomable map with a more realistic and immersive 'paper map' (Showsyour current location).

Place last in your load order.Adds roads to map and improves map quality (check out this guide)Same as ' but it adds the borders to each hold (helpful for whenyou have a bounty on your head). Updated Jan 2015. For hardcore immersionplayers - Adds craft-able maps (Skyrim, Solstheim, Treasure Maps, etc) that can be equippedlike a shield.

Use block to bring the map up and look at it more closely (watch video!)Map markers are colored by type. (Compatible with Skyrim v1.8)Changes the icons on your map to colored versions (several versions available).Compatible with all DLCs.An updated version of. Makes all quest targets green, all discovered towns blue and allundiscovered towns red. Everything else is untouched.Lets you zoom way in and way out. Lets you set the default pitch angle of themap camera.

Lets you turn cloud cover off. (These settings can no longer be changed via theSkyrim.ini file since the Skyrim 1.8 update)Makes it possible to almost zoom into the ground and removes border limits whenpanning.Adds map markers to any follower that you wish. The markers act just like questmarkers.Tag up to 40 NPCs and track their location through the Quest menu.Makes map markers smaller. Immersive full screen.

Compatible with all map modsChanges the map markers and area location of dungeons that contain major questso you dont start them too earlyA world map in PNG format by GameBanshee.comAdds over 700 map markers (including markers for DawnGuard & Dragonborn) tohelp find treasure maps, shrines, dragon mounds, campsites, skillbooks and more. Locations canbe displayed as Default, Undiscovered, Discovered or they can be Removed.Adds map markers to many inner city locations such as Player homes, Inns, Storesand Jarls Houses plus it adds many points of interest outside the cities that were discoveredduring gameplay e.g.

Shrines, Temples, Camps, Mines, Ruins, etc. (Markers are not added untillocation is discovered.)Adds a cartographer selling maps of the territories showing nearly every mapmarker in that territory (but you can't fast travel until you've been there). Maps cost2500-3000 Gold.Adds map markers to the front door of the 6 player homes: Whiterun, Windhelm,Markarth, College Of Winterhold, Solitude & RiftenAdds a book to leveled lists that contains the locations of all mines and theiroreAdds and labels all Mine Map Markers to display the main material it yields.(You must still find them first)130 - UI - Timesavers.

Disabling the Bethesda Logo movie that plays at the start of the game will reducethe time it takes to get into the game. Simply rename, move, or delete the following file:C:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/skyrim/Data/Video/ BGSLogo.bikVendor's inventory opens immediately after clicking 'What have you got forsale?' Instead of waiting until after the dialogue has finished. (Now applies to follower'sinventory, too)Lets you press ALT+F4 to instantly exit game AND lets you use the volume andmute controls on your keyboard in-game. SKSE A more current and less-complicated hotkeymanager than More Hotkeys Please.

The ability to switch armor/clothing/weapon sets easily alsomakes it a viable alternative to Hotkey Your Gear or Loadout. SKSE (No longer supported. Consider, which has several minor bugs that hurt nothing and ismuch simpler to use or use ). 51 hotkey slots, 5 cycles, and 10 sets can be used, multikeys, press & holdkeys. SKSE. Lets you easily save weapon & armor sets forboth you and your companions and then easily switch between them. SKSE.

Use hotkeys to switch between saved equipmentsets.Quiver is automatically unequipped when bow or crossbow is unequippedAutomatically equips/unequips any shield when weapon is drawn/sheathedAutomatically equips/unequips helmet when you draw/sheathe your weapon or spell SKSE Adds 2 spells that toggle the player ortarget's helmet to be hidden or shown (still equipped but invisible)Adds all crafting stations inside player homes + 40 linked storage containers(i.e. Access same inventory from any home). Auto store and auto sort your crafting supplies bypushing one button. Adds a potion combiner to convert many low-level potions into fewerhigh-level potions of equal strength. More.Adds 2 new storage cupboards to each buyable home that automatically store youritems for you.

Adds 1 knapsack that stores your soul gems next to each enchanting table.Adds a special alchemy satchel to every buyable house in Skyrim that, whenactivated, allows you to transfer all the potion ingredients you currently have on you into it.Puts all of your alchemy ingredients into your satchel with one mouse click. SKSE Drink potions automatically depending onconfigurable settings (i.e. At 30% health). Adds a potion delay (configurable) to preventspamming and adds potion hotkeys.Take loot from dead enemies automatically. Highly configurable. SKSE Creates automatic saves for you based oncertain events, conditions, timed intervals or manually.

Highly configurable through MCM.140 - UI - Information. SKSE Use 'Guess Distance' power to perceiveopponent's distance, experience, aggression level, armor, race and weapon (configurable).Amount of information depends on distance and visibilityYour character will note when crossing the border into a new hold and (optional)remark if you have a bounty in that hold.Adds banners along roadsides at the boundaries of two holds. (watch video)Makes container names more informative - 'sack' becomes 'sack of produce'.Improves descriptions of the altars of the nine Gods - 'Activate Shrine of Mara'becomes 'Activate Shrine of Mara ( Fortify Restoration)'Makes soul gems look different depending on whether they have soul gems in themor not. Or tryRenames books to show the skills asociated with them at the begining of thename. Example: '(Light Armor) The Refugees'Renames books to show the skills asociated with them at the end of the name.Example: 'The Refugees (Light Armor)'Appends '(Quest)' to the names of books that start questsUnread books will glow - Adjustable brightness (bright, medium, dim)Edits names of books to more clearly denote books in a series e.g.

Changes 'TheWolf Queen, v4' to 'Wolf Queen, Vol. Also fixes recipes, spell tomes, treasure maps,journals and notes.Adds a stone tablet deciphering the dragon alphabet and 5 books in Hrothgarcontaining all known words in the Dragon language. Use them to manually translate the storieson the Word Walls, the names of dragon priests and other draugr.Adds a book at High Hrothgar explaining the Dragon language. Over 20 pages ofinstruction and reference.Adds more information to the race choice menuPlaces additional road signs at several major intersections to make destinationoptions more clearMakes road signs more legibleUses actual day, month and times to sleep/wait menu e.g. Time Wait screen willsay 'Monday, 8:00 AM, 17th of August'.Adds an option under Help called 'Console Commands' to the in-game pause menu.Lets you browse the list of all console command and their descriptions in-game.Adds about 45 books to the game that include all the items ID for all the itemsin the game.Displays Memory Usage and FPS (Frames per Second) information on the top rightcorner of your screen. Lets you view a graph of performance metrics from game session. SKSE Displays Memory Usage, FPS (Frames per Second)and other information on the top left corner of your screen.Displays a variety of game detail information in SkyUI i.e.

Coordinates, Health,Magicka & Stamina regen rates, speed and damage multipliers, etc.150 - UI - Sounds. for a full review of many music overhauls/addons with sample videos. Adds over 100 new sound effects to the wilderness.Animal, bird and insect sounds play according to weather, time of day and region. Adds rainimpact sounds on tents and wooden structures, rustling bushes to simulate small animalsscattering on approach and more. Adds over 200 new sound effects to cities, villages,farms, etc.

The infamous bloat bug is now fixed!. June 2015 - Thecompatibility patches can cause CTDs. Read the comments. Adds over 100 new sound effects to dungeons.

Differentsound sets for different types of dungeons. Adds exterior weather sounds to the dungeonentrance. Tweaks distance and volume, major improvements to footsteps anddestruction magic sounds. Improves traps, creatures, weapons, ambience and more. Addsenvironment-based reverb (NOTE: the reverb level of the NPC dialog in the linked video fromGopher has since been reduced) DG + DB A comprehensive soundoverhaul. During install, select your choice of sounds for weaponry, magic footsteps, and misc.Multiple options for many sounds. Author recommends using with.Adds volume controls for vanilla sounds - NPC footsteps, Menu sounds,waterfalls, Weapon draw sounds, etc.

Useful for increasing the sound of waterfalls and distantloud noises such as hammering.Removes looping wind noise from dungeons (watch video)Adds reverb to caverns (more realistic sound)Removes annoying 'fail' noiseCan replace nearly 2 dozen annoying sound effects with silent.wav file - sneakattack 'clunk', activate fail noise, level-up noises, crafting noises, nirn root ringing, andmany more. (same as mod below but uses a different method of choosing which sounds to remove)Can replace nearly 2 dozen annoying sound effects with silent.wav file - sneakattack 'clunk', activate fail noise, level-up noises, crafting noises, nirn root ringing, andmany more.