Convert Saka Dates To Gregorian

  1. Convert Julian Date To Gregorian
  2. Convert Saka Dates To Gregorian Mp3

A seven- to eight-year gap between the Ethiopian and Gregorian calendars results from alternate calculations in determining the date of the Annunciation of Jesus. Like the Coptic calendar, the Ethiopian calendar has twelve months of 30 days each plus five or six epagomenal days, which comprise a thirteenth month. Provides conversion/contrast of date of different calendars (calendar converter). So the Gregorian calendar began by skipping 10 calendar days, to restore March 21 st as the date of the vernal equinox. The last day of the Julian calendar was Thursday, 4 October 1582 and this was followed by the 1 st day of the Gregorian calendar, Friday, 15 October 1582; the cycle of weekdays was not affected.

Possible Duplicate:The accepted answer to this question: has some points, but still I have difficulties in conversion.For example, I have found Stardate 64333.4 in Star Trek: Countdown comic which was launched as prequel of 2009 Star Trek movie. This stardate is stated by comic writer to us.


Not by a starship captain in captain's log. So, I don't think, it has an affect with vessel's warp.Plus, stardate is universal standard among many races. So, there must be a local conversion standards of individual races. I'm just asking for that of humans.

From the linked question:The Original Series, the Star Trek Guide:Pick any combination of four numbers plus a percentage point, use itas your story's stardate. For example, 1313.5 is twelve o'clock noonof one day and 1314.5 would be noon of the next day.From the Star Trek: The Next Generation Writer's/Director's Guide:A stardate is a five-digit number followed by a decimal point and onemore digit. Example: '41254.7.' The first two digits of the stardateare always '41.' The 4 stands for 24th century, the 1 indicates firstseason. The additional three leading digits will progress unevenlyduring the course of the season from 000 to 999.

Convert Julian Date To Gregorian

The digit followingthe decimal point is generally regarded as a day counter.And from the page on Memory Alpha that the other answer references, evidence that TNG/DS9/VOY-era used decimal digits the same as TOS-era:In addition to the overall rate of approximately 1,000 units per year,many episodes confirm the 24-hour stardate unit which was firstmentioned in the TOS bible, with midnight at.0 and noon at.5.So, how did I come up with that particular date?In-universe, the first season of TNG occured in 2364. Stardate 64333.4 is (64-41=23) 23 years after Stardate 41xxx, the first season of TNG. So 64xxx corresponds to the year 2387 (2364+23).It is 1/3rd through the year because 333 is about 1/3rd of 1000, the length of a year.9:30 AM comes from the.4, which means the day is 40% completed.

In the game, when in the stores menu at dock, it unloads all extra ammunition to load the seals. Mods for cold waters. 1.03b is live now, and the trainer still works fine. But when you have inf.ammo activated at any point in the game before then, it prevents this and you just sit there in dock with hours passing by while it tries to rearm and never loads the seals. Ammo/stores cheat. However, on missions where you have to RTB and pick up navy seals is problematic with the inf.

Convert Saka Dates To Gregorian Mp3

According to Google, that's - 9:36 AM.