Como Usar Data Merge Indesign

IntroductionHey Friend, welcoming to our. I'm your host Gurunatha.Dogi an enthusiastic programmer loves to read, write, hunt, play with coding in a day-to-day lifestyle. Loves learning new tech or new software development at a same time loves to train individuals who seeking to get into.NET, PHP, MSBI, Sharepoint, SQL Server, Object Oriented Programming, C#, HTML5 and Bootstrap responsive.About#Questpond: I'm a trainer at Questpond and loves to work with ShivPrasad Koirala and Team.

We energitic team and enjoys doing training. Here you can seek for self-learning materials, books, videos, one-to-one training and corporate training. If you want to learn any IT technology language feel free to touch base with us.Here in this article we will learn SSIS tool i.e.

In Oracle9ir2, Oracle provides 'alter table' syntax to rename data columns in-place in this form: alter table tablename rename column oldcolumnname TO newcolumnname; Here are some examples of Oracle 'alter table' syntax to rename data columns. Oracle provides a rename table syntax as follows: alter table tablename rename to newtablename; For example, we could rename the customer table to oldcustomer with this syntax: alter table customer rename to oldcustomer; When you rename an Oracle table you must be aware that Oracle does not update applications (HTML-DB, PL/SQL that. Oracle alter table rename table. To rename a table, you must either be the database owner or the table owner. See ALTER TABLE statement for more information. Statement dependency system. The RENAME TABLE statement is not allowed if there are any open cursors that reference the table that is being altered. Parent topic: RENAME statements. Related reference.

Merge and Merge Join step by step with an example. What is SSIS Merge.SSIS merge is one of the component of SSIS, available in toolbox. SSIS merge works similar way to a SQL join it merges the two or more different sources (Sources can be of same type or different type / heterogeneous) into a single output. SSIS is all about collecting data from different sources, If you want to merge the collected data from different sources then we can use merge component. Merge component accepts only 2 sorted (compulsory) inputs.

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If there is more than 2 inputs then it best to use Union All transformation component. Also Merge transformation have only 1 output and does not have any Error output.Note: Source can be anything ADO.NET Source / Excel Source or any Flat File Source. What is SSIS Merge Join.SSIS merge join also combines data from different sources (Source of same type or different type (heterogeneous)) into single output or merged output. It uses merge concept based on (Inner, Left and full).

We can use Merge Join based on specific condition like combining data on matching keys with that Inner, Left and full. Merge Join component accepts only 2 sorted (compulsory) inputs and one output and one error output.Unlike Merge, Merge Join combines data depending on matching keys or string name.On the same let's see an example of Merge and Merge Join one by one in step by step way. SSIS Merge Transformation with exampleHere in this we will take two data sources 1 Flat File 2: OLE DB Source and we will load data then we will sort data why because SSIS merge transoformation accepts sorted data then we merge both sources sorted dara and display output in a flat file destination. An example is simple and quick to understand if you are new to kindly ready our.Step 1As shown in above image just drag and drop all above shown components.Step 2Go to SQL Management Studio and create a simple table like we did here by creating Sales Table with SalesID, SalesPerson and Address (int, varchar, varchar) data type respectively.Add some dataIf you see here we have three records of keys 1001, 1002 and 1003.Step 3Now let's create txt file for Flat File source and add some data to it as shown in below image.If you see in above image we have added more three records i.e. 1004, 1005, and 1006.

Now we will join both data source records into single output using Merge.Step 4Here in this step we will configure both source files one by one.So let's configure our Flat File Source file. In order to do that just right click on Flat File Source and configure it all these steps we have repeated many times in our previous articles if you still don't no then no problem just go to article section and read article. Hope that will help a lot to undetstand it.As you see we have configured our first source properly.Now let's configure our OLE DB source inorder to do that select OLE DB source and right click - edit and configure it.Step 5Now that we have successfully configured our both sources now its time to sort then either in ascending order or descending order. So input, output of both source files to Sort component.Once done its time to configure the Sort components one by one, So right click and configure it.If you see in our above images we have successfully sorted both components in an ascending order.Step 6So now we have two sorted outputs let's input them to Merge Transformation component. Now just right click on it and configure it as shown in below image.For identification we have made output columns as OutSalesID, OutSalesPerson and OutAddress respectively.Step 7Great we are in our final step. Now we have to configure Flat File Destination so we have one output from merge component let's input to flat file destination and configure it.All set to run this project, Let's run this project and see the output.As you see from above output both of the data sources are merged into single file output and that we achieved using Merge Transformation Component. SSIS Merge Join Transformation with exampleWe will take up same example but will do some modification in flat file source file i.e.

We will remove Address and replace Salary and we will try to merge both sources i.e OLE DB and Flat File using merge join using matching keys i.e.

IntroductionWhen you have two data files, you can combine themby merging them side by side, matching up observations based on an identifier. Forexample, below we have a data file containing information on dads and we have a file containinginformation on family income called faminc.We would like to match merge the files together so we have the dads observation on thesame line with the faminc observation based on the key variable famid.dadsfamid name inc2 Art 220001 Bill 300003 Paul 25000 famincfamid faminc96 faminc97 faminc983 0 70 02 0 45800After match merging the files, they would looklike this. Famid name inc faminc96 faminc97 faminc981 Bill 0 02 Art 0 03 Paul 0 0 2. One-to-one mergeThere are three steps to match merge the dads filewith the faminc file (this is called a one-to-one merge because there isa one to one correspondence between the dads and famincrecords). These three steps are illustrated in the SAS program below. Use proc sort to sort dads onfamid and save that file (we will call it dads2). Use proc sort to sort famincon famid and save that file (we will call it faminc2).

merge the dads2 and faminc2files based on famidThese three steps are illustrated in the program below. We first created the dads and faminc data files below;DATA dads;INPUT famid name $ inc;CARDS;2 Art 220001 Bill 300003 Paul 25000;RUN; DATA faminc;INPUT famid faminc96 faminc97 faminc98;CARDS;3 0 70 02 0 45800. 1.

Sort the dads file by 'famid' & save sorted file as dads2; PROC SORT DATA=dads OUT=dads2;BY famid;RUN;. 2. Sort faminc by 'famid' & save sorted file as faminc2; PROC SORT DATA=faminc OUT=faminc2;BY famid;RUN;.

3. Merge dads2 and faminc2 by famid in a data step; DATA dadfam;MERGE dads2 faminc2;BY famid;RUN;. Let's do a proc print and look at the results.; PROC PRINT DATA=dadfam;RUN;The output of the program is shown below. OBS FAMID NAME INC FAMINC96 FAMINC97 FAMINC981 1 Bill 0 02 2 Art 0 03 3 Paul 0 0The output from shows that the match merge workedproperly.

The dad and faminc are merged side byside. The next example considers a one-to-many merge where oneobservation in one file may have multiple matching records in another file. We willsee that kind of merge is really no different from the one-to-one mergewe saw here. One-to-many mergeImagine that we had a file with dads like we sawin the previous example, and we had a file with kids where a dad could have more than onekid. Matching up the 'dads' with the 'kids' is called a'one-to-many' merge since you are matching one dad observation to possibly manykids records. The dads and kids records are shown below. Dadsfamid name inc2 Art 220001 Bill 300003 Paul 25000 kidsfamid kidname birth age wt sex1 Beth 1 9 60 f1 Bob 2 6 40 m1 Barb 3 3 20 f2 Andy 1 8 80 m2 Al 2 6 50 m2 Ann 3 2 20 f3 Pete 1 6 60 m3 Pam 2 4 40 f3 Phil 3 2 20 mAfter matching the dads with the kidsyou get a file that looks like the one below.

Como Usar Data Merge Indesign

Bill is matched upwith his kids Beth, Bob and Barb; Artis matched up with Andy Al, and Ann; andPaul is matched up with Pete, Pam and Phil.dadkidFAMID NAME INC KIDNAME BIRTH AGE WT SEX1 Bill 30000 Beth 1 9 60 f1 Bill 30000 Bob 2 6 40 m1 Bill 30000 Barb 3 3 20 f2 Art 22000 Andy 1 8 80 m2 Art 22000 Al 2 6 50 m2 Art 22000 Ann 3 2 20 f3 Paul 25000 Pete 1 6 60 m3 Paul 25000 Pam 2 4 40 f3 Paul 25000 Phil 3 2 20 mJust like the 'one-to-one' merge, wefollow the same three steps for a 'one-to-many' merge. These three steps areillustrated in the SAS program below. Use proc sort to sort dads onfamid and save that file (we will call it dads2). Use proc sort to sort kidson famid and save that file (we will call it kids2). merge the dads2 and kids2files based on famidThe program below illustrates these steps. first we make the 'dads' data file; DATA dads;INPUT famid name $ inc;CARDS;2 Art 220001 Bill 300003 Paul 25000;RUN;.

Next we make the 'kids' data file; DATA kids;INPUT famid kidname $ birth age wt sex $;CARDS;1 Beth 1 9 60 f1 Bob 2 6 40 m1 Barb 3 3 20 f2 Andy 1 8 80 m2 Al 2 6 50 m2 Ann 3 2 20 f3 Pete 1 6 60 m3 Pam 2 4 40 f3 Phil 3 2 20 m;RUN;. 1. Sort 'dads' on famid and save the sorted file as 'dads2'; PROC SORT DATA=dads OUT=dads2;BY famid;RUN;. 2. Sort 'kids' on famid and save the sorted file as 'kids2'; PROC SORT DATA=kids OUT=kids2;BY famid;RUN;.

3. Merge 'dads2' and 'kids2' based on famid, creating 'dadkid'; DATA dadkid;MERGE dads2 kids2;BY famid;RUN;. Let's do a PROC PRINT of 'dadkid' to see if the merge worked; PROC PRINT DATA=dadkid;RUN;The output of the program is shown below. OBS FAMID NAME INC KIDNAME BIRTH AGE WT SEX1 1 Bill 30000 Beth 1 9 60 f2 1 Bill 30000 Bob 2 6 40 m3 1 Bill 30000 Barb 3 3 20 f4 2 Art 22000 Andy 1 8 80 m5 2 Art 22000 Al 2 6 50 m6 2 Art 22000 Ann 3 2 20 f7 3 Paul 25000 Pete 1 6 60 m8 3 Paul 25000 Pam 2 4 40 f9 3 Paul 25000 Phil 3 2 20 mThe output shows just what we hoped to see, the dadsmerged along side of their kids.

You might have wondered what would have happened ifthe merge statement had reversed the order of the files, had we changed step 3 to looklike below. Merge 'dads2' and 'kids2' based on famid, creating 'dadkid'; DATA dadkid;MERGE kids2 dads2;BY famid;RUN;. Let's do a PROC PRINT of 'dadkid' see what happens; PROC PRINT DATA=dadkid;RUN;The output with the modified step 3 is shown below.


OBS FAMID KIDNAME BIRTH AGE WT SEX NAME INC1 1 Beth 1 9 60 f Bill 300002 1 Bob 2 6 40 m Bill 300003 1 Barb 3 3 20 f Bill 300004 2 Andy 1 8 80 m Art 220005 2 Al 2 6 50 m Art 220006 2 Ann 3 2 20 f Art 220007 3 Pete 1 6 60 m Paul 250008 3 Pam 2 4 40 f Paul 250009 3 Phil 3 2 20 m Paul 25000This output shows what happened when we switched theorder of kids2 and dads2 in the mergestatement. The merge results are basically the same, except that the order of thevariables is modified — the kids variables are on the left and the dads variables are atthe right. Other than that, the results are the same. Problems to look out forThese examples cover situations where there are nocomplications. We show some examples of complications that can arise andhow you can solve them below. 4.1 Mismatching records in one-to-one mergeThe two data files havemay have records that do not match. Below we illustrate this by includingan extra dad ( Karl in famid 4) that does not have a correspondingfamily, and there are two extra families (5 and 6) in the family filethat do not have a corresponding dad.

DATA dads;INPUT famid name $ inc;DATALINES;2 Art 220001 Bill 300003 Paul 250004 Karl 95000;RUN;DATA faminc;INPUT famid faminc96 faminc97 faminc98;DATALINES;3 0 70 02 0 40 06 0 28000;RUN;PROC SORT DATA=dads;BY famid;RUN;PROC SORT DATA=faminc;BY famid;RUN;DATA merge121;MERGE dads(IN=fromdadx) faminc(IN=fromfamx);BY famid;fromdad = fromdadx;fromfam = fromfamx;RUN;As you see above, we usethein option to create a 0/1 variable fromdadx that indicateswhether the resulting file contains a record with data from the dadsfile. Likewise, we use IN option to create a 0/1 variable fromfamxthatindicates if the observation came from the faminc file. The fromdadxand fromfamx variables are temporary, so we make copies of them in fromdadand fromfam so we have copies of these variables that stay with thefile. We can then use proc print and proc freq to identify the mismatching records.PROC PRINT DATA=merge121;RUN;PROC FREQ DATA=merge121;TABLES fromdad.fromfam;RUN;The output below illustratesthat there were mismatching records. For famid 4, the valueof fromdad is 1 and fromfam is 0, as we would expectsince there was data from dads for famid 4, but no data fromfaminc.Also, as we expect, this record has valid data for the variables from thedadsfile ( name andinc) and missing data for the variables fromfaminc( faminc96 faminc97and faminc98). We see the reversepattern forfamid‘s5 and 6.

Indesign Data Merge Multiple Images


OBS FAMID NAME INC FAMINC96 FAMINC97 FAMINC98 FROMDAD FROMFAM1 1 Bill 0 0 1 12 2 Art 0 0 1 13 3 Paul 0 0 1 14 4 Karl 95000. 0 70000 0 16 6. 0 28000 0 1A closer look at the fromdadand fromfam variables reveals that there are three records that havematching data: one that has data from the dads only, and two recordsthat have data from the faminc file only. The crosstab tablebelow confirms this. TABLE OF FROMDAD BY FROMFAMFROMDAD FROMFAMFrequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct 0 1 Total-+-+-+0 0 2 2 0.00 33.33 33.33 0.00 100.00 0.00 40.00 -+-+-+1 1 3 4 16.67 50.00 66.67 25.00 75.00 100.00 60.00 -+-+-+Total 1 5 616.67 83.33 100.00You may want to use thisstrategy to check the matching of the two files. If there are unexpectedmismatched records, then you should investigate to understand the causeof the mismatched records.Use the where statement in a proc print to eliminate some of the non-matching records. 4.2 Variables with the same name, but different informationBelow we have the fileswith the information about the dads and family, but look more closely atthe names of the variables.

In the dads file, there is a variablecalled inc98, and in the family file there are variables inc96,inc97 and inc98. Let’s attempt to merge these files and seewhat happens. DATA dads;INPUT famid name $ inc98;DATALINES;2 Art 220001 Bill 300003 Paul 25000;RUN;DATA faminc;INPUT famid inc96 inc97 inc98;DATALINES;3 0 70 02 0 45800;RUN;PROC SORT DATA=dads;BY famid;RUN;PROC SORT DATA=faminc;BY famid;RUN;DATA merge121;MERGE faminc dads;BY famid;RUN;PROC PRINT DATA=merge121;RUN;The results are shown below.As you see, the variable inc98 has the data from the dadsfile, the file that appears last on the merge statement. Whenyou merge files that have the same variable, SAS will use the values fromthe file that appears last on the merge statement. OBS FAMID INC96 INC97 INC98 NAME1 1 0 30000 Bill2 2 0 22000 Art3 3 0 25000 PaulThere are a couple of waysyou can solve this problem.Solution #1. The most obvioussolution is to choose variable names in the original files that will notconflict with each other.

However, you may have files wherethe names have already been chosen.Solution #2. You can renamethe variables in a data step using the rename option (whichrenames the variables before doing the merging). This allows youto select variable names that do not conflict with each other, as illustratedbelow.DATA merge121;MERGE faminc(RENAME=(inc96=faminc96inc97=faminc97 inc98=faminc98))dads(RENAME=(inc98=dadinc98));BY famid;RUN;PROC PRINT DATA=merge121;RUN;As you can see below, thevariables were renamed as specified. OBS FAMID FAMINC96 FAMINC97 FAMINC98 NAME DADINC981 1 0 41000 Bill 300002 2 0 45800 Art 220003 3 0 77000 Paul 25000 5. For more information.For information on concatenating datafiles, see the SAS Learning Module on.Primary Sidebar.