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The Bible code-the ancient code encrypted in the Bible that may reveal our future-was made known to the world by investigative reporter Michael Drosnin. Now he reveals startling new predictions warning that we may have only three years to stop the countdown to Armageddon. This dramatic account opens on the morning of September 11, 2001, when Drosnin witnessed the attack on The Bible code-the ancient code encrypted in the Bible that may reveal our future-was made known to the world by investigative reporter Michael Drosnin. Now he reveals startling new predictions warning that we may have only three years to stop the countdown to Armageddon. This dramatic account opens on the morning of September 11, 2001, when Drosnin witnessed the attack on the World Trade Center-and then found the terrible event predicted in detail in the 3,000-year-old Bible code. But according to the code, September 11 was only the beginning. The Bible code says we are already in the 'End of Days,' the Apocalypse foretold by all three major religions of the West.


El Codigo Secreto De La Biblia Drosnin Pdf Free

Drosnin has traveled the globe to meet with world leaders to prevent the impending danger-and to search for the 'Code Key,' a long-buried ancient object that may completely unlock the Bible code, just in time to save our world. I gave it one star because I found the overall content, position, and conclusions of the author to be so strangely typical. I even had some kind of intuition even before I read it regarding where the author would take it. So in that respect I made up my mind about it before I read it. I read it to facilitate conversation with a co-worker friend that loaned it to me and for that, I enjoyed it. For those that have not explored this but have perhaps heard something about it, this is mI gave it one star because I found the overall content, position, and conclusions of the author to be so strangely typical.

I even had some kind of intuition even before I read it regarding where the author would take it. So in that respect I made up my mind about it before I read it.

I read it to facilitate conversation with a co-worker friend that loaned it to me and for that, I enjoyed it. For those that have not explored this but have perhaps heard something about it, this is my review.

It is an easy book to read in the sense that it’s not very big, has fairly large print and not an overwhelming amount of words because it contains many pictures of the “matrix’s” or charts of where certain words that were of interest to the writer, are found. How these charts are formed is through putting the Hebrew “bible” or “old testament” as we call it, in the computer as it would have been on a continual scroll with no spaces. (if they could make a single scroll that big) Then the program, used by Dr. Eliyahu Rips, finds patterns such as search words spelled using letters spaced equally apart either forward or backward which is called Equidistant letter sequences. Such as taking every forth letter in the following sentence: Rips explained that each code is a case of adding every forth letter to form a word.If one starts with the first letter of the sentence and pull out every forth letter following it would say: READ THE CODE ytttro.

This is not a new concept. In the 16 century, Rabbi Moses Cordevaro for example wrote, “the secrets of the Torah are revealedin the skipping of the letters”.

It is just much easier for us with the aid of computers to explore this possibility today.In this book, the writer tells of his findings in the code and spends a great deal of time with how he tries to warn Israeli leaders, Palestinian leaders, and the president and other officials in the US. This was kind of fascinating actually.

Basically, his message was the “End of Days” is upon us and we will destroy ourselves unless we heed the “Bible Code’s” warnings and change our behavior. We must make peace in the Middle East! It also deals with the author Michael Drosnins search for an extraterrestrial artifact of some sort in the Middle East that is suppose to be the solution so that we can save ourselves from destroying ourselves.

This is the obvious bent the author has which I was not in the least bit surprised. He believes and/or wants his readers to believe extraterrestrial more evolved space/time travelers brought microorganisms to earth, which began our evolution here, yet they also left us a hidden code and some way to decode it at precisely the right time in our history. He does not know who they were or why they cared about us enough to try to save us by warning us of the disaster that will or could befall us.Michael Drosnin’s books certainly have no credibility scientifically nor are they supported by those serious about studying “Torah codes”. For more info here is a place to start:Drosnin certainly has no reliability, especially from a religious perspective, with me and those like me, that tend to prefer to take the Bible itself very seriously. It was difficult for me in the sense that as a Christian I obviously had theological issues with the way in which the writer deviates widely from my personal convictions of who God is, especially sense he states in four places that he does not believe in God and once that there is “no savior”.

Just as I expected it was very denigrative of the Bible itself and traditional viewpoints regarding it. He is also very sloppy with the “plain text” as it’s typically called. He very oddly treats what we read “the Bible” as just a collection of myths and legends and untrue and unimportant except occasionally when it suits him to back up a point he believes he found “hidden” in the text which he calls the “bible code”.

He states: “I do not believe in God yet I’m certain the Bible Code is realIt was designed by some intelligence that could see the future”.There are people with Jewish or Christian perspectives, that accept that there is something to this “code” thing, yet use it not to predict the future which is viewed as a form of divination, but to further validate what the plain text really says which is also believed to be completely true and inspired of God. First meet the heroes.Eliyahu RipsAnother smart scientist gone too far thinking he can apply his maths skills to poorly understood fields.cf.

Anatoly FomenkoDrosninA Dan-Brown-like reporter-turned-writer popularizing, commercializing and primitivizing the initial study.The idea of finding hidden secrets in the fabric of holy scriptures itself is by no means new.cf. Kabbalah and gematriaRegarding the particular method too much freedom was reserved as it came to- localizing (combinatorics, readin First meet the heroes.Eliyahu RipsAnother smart scientist gone too far thinking he can apply his maths skills to poorly understood fields.cf. Anatoly FomenkoDrosninA Dan-Brown-like reporter-turned-writer popularizing, commercializing and primitivizing the initial study.The idea of finding hidden secrets in the fabric of holy scriptures itself is by no means new.cf. Kabbalah and gematriaRegarding the particular method too much freedom was reserved as it came to- localizing (combinatorics, reading in any direction)- interpreting (neologisms in ancient texts)- extrapolating (Apocalypse, paleocontact). I haven't heard much about the author in quite a few years, and that's not too surprising since this skeptical reporter of a Jewish background dipped his feet into a round of prophetic speculation 1 with this book that proved to be woefully inadequate and is probably lying low at this point. This book demonstrates one of the characteristic dangers of the mystical approach to the Hebrew Bible that is held by many people, and that is the tendency to seek in it aspects of knowledge that would gl I haven't heard much about the author in quite a few years, and that's not too surprising since this skeptical reporter of a Jewish background dipped his feet into a round of prophetic speculation 1 with this book that proved to be woefully inadequate and is probably lying low at this point. This book demonstrates one of the characteristic dangers of the mystical approach to the Hebrew Bible that is held by many people, and that is the tendency to seek in it aspects of knowledge that would glorify the seeker of obscure truth while neglecting the moral and ethical demands of the Word of God itself.

Bible Code II: The Countdown by Michael Drosnin is a total, utter and complete load of crap. The premise of the book is that there is a secret, predictive code hidden in The Bible. Drosnin a journalist (?) writes about the discovery of the code by Israeli mathematician Eliyahu Rips.

Rips took the original Bible (exactly which one is that?) and wrote it out with no punctuation or stops as if it was one continuous line. Using a process known as equidistant letter sequencing, he used computers to s Bible Code II: The Countdown by Michael Drosnin is a total, utter and complete load of crap. The premise of the book is that there is a secret, predictive code hidden in The Bible. Drosnin a journalist (?) writes about the discovery of the code by Israeli mathematician Eliyahu Rips. Rips took the original Bible (exactly which one is that?) and wrote it out with no punctuation or stops as if it was one continuous line. Using a process known as equidistant letter sequencing, he used computers to search for patterns created by skipping characters and analyzing the results.

El Codigo Secreto De La Biblia Michael Drosnin Pdf

What he seemed to find were messages hidden by a mysterious Encoder. The Encoder is alternately identified as “someone,” God and space aliens. These same sorts of messages can also be found in Moby Dick and almost any other writing of any length. Time has been Drosnin’s biggest enemy since his boldest prediction has gone waiting for at least eight years. In a letter to President George W. Bush Drosnin warned, “And the Bible code clearly states the danger in modern terms—‘atomic holocaust’ and ’World War’ are both encoded in The Bible. And both are encoded with the same year, 2006.” This is simply the most outrageous failed prediction among a host of many others.

The book is built around shoddy or nonexistent research. Drosnin ignored most of the tenets I included in a unit on Clear Thinking that I taught to seventh graders. He provides the reader with conclusions with no evidence, unresearched or unprovable “facts,” incomplete testimony and irrelevant speculation. Not only is Bible Code II: The Countdown a poor scientific thesis, it isn’t even good fantasy.

Some editions of this book are attributed to 'anonymous.' Is it because the author was embarrassed to use his name?

The only reason I finished reading it was so that I could honestly write this negative review. Okay, it’s not a review; it’s a rant. I didn't read the first book, I am not religious and I am definately a sceptic, so this may be why I was not blown away by the book. I read this book becuase it was leant to me by a work collegue who I get along with.There allot of parts that make it sound belivable - too belivable (even though to the authors credit he does discuss and rebut scientific critics of the theory). There are however glaring sections that have NOT become true.

First of all that the end of the world would occur four yea I didn't read the first book, I am not religious and I am definately a sceptic, so this may be why I was not blown away by the book. I read this book becuase it was leant to me by a work collegue who I get along with.There allot of parts that make it sound belivable - too belivable (even though to the authors credit he does discuss and rebut scientific critics of the theory). There are however glaring sections that have NOT become true.

First of all that the end of the world would occur four years after the publication of the book. It was published in 2002, the end of the world did not come in 2006.There was another comment around the stock market crash, but nothing about the financial issues that we have come to in 2008(that I think have impacted harder the world economy).However I found some other parts interesting. There is a chapter that discusses the discovery of the DNA structure by Crick and Watson. Crick apparently believes that DNA could have not gotten to earth through a metiorite but had to come from a superior being through a spaceship (apparently the code shows that DNA came in a 'vehicle'. The name Barak comes up and they relate it to the ex-prime minister of Israel, yet maybe they got it wrong and it will be true during a space in time Barak Obama is in power.to me it shows that it depends what you interpret the words that show up.

I highly recommend this book for both Christians and doubters, atheists, or 'lukewarm' Christians. The Hebrew Bible contains a very complex code that reveals events that took place thousands of years after the Bible was written. The world is rapidly becoming a very dark place filled with global instability, terror attacks, eroding freedoms, unusual weather patterns, the falling away of belief in God and more. Everyone around the globe is being threatened on so many fronts. These are fearful and I highly recommend this book for both Christians and doubters, atheists, or 'lukewarm' Christians. The Hebrew Bible contains a very complex code that reveals events that took place thousands of years after the Bible was written.

The world is rapidly becoming a very dark place filled with global instability, terror attacks, eroding freedoms, unusual weather patterns, the falling away of belief in God and more. Everyone around the globe is being threatened on so many fronts. These are fearful and troubling times, but I believe that God in all of His love, mercy, and grace encoded these messages for us, a reminder that he is still here, a reminder of who we are, and that he will never leave us nor forsake us. The Bible Codes seem to intertwine ancient text and very high-tech at the same time.

It has been customized for our generation by our creator. This book gives the reader the revelation of God's purpose for us, His amazing love that can in no way be put into words. Among the predictions in Bible Code I, II, & III include many codes regarding our 'DNA', 'Our Inheritance', reminders of being made in His image.

El Codigo Secreto De La Biblia Drosnin Pdf Download

Remind you, these codes came from the original hebrew bible, thousands of years ago, when no man had the knowledge of DNA. I can't say enough about this book! At the beginning of the sequel to Michael Drosnin’s first book, The Bible Code, Drosnin had just witnessed the terrorism of September 11, 2001 from his apartment window.

He immediately checked the hidden code in the Bible for any predictions of those horrific acts, and he was amazed at the information he found. Not only did he find that those coordinated terrorist attacks are encoded in a 3000-year-old text, but he also determined that the event was the beginning of a very dangerous time in huma At the beginning of the sequel to Michael Drosnin’s first book, The Bible Code, Drosnin had just witnessed the terrorism of September 11, 2001 from his apartment window. He immediately checked the hidden code in the Bible for any predictions of those horrific acts, and he was amazed at the information he found. Not only did he find that those coordinated terrorist attacks are encoded in a 3000-year-old text, but he also determined that the event was the beginning of a very dangerous time in human history. Through the hidden code, Drosnin discovered that, in the near future, a terrible war in the Middle East would change the world forever.

In The Bible Code II: Countdown, Drosnin tells the story of his discoveries and his meetings with top officials from the American, Israeli, and Palestinian governments to try to prevent the crisis predicted in the Bible.I enjoyed The Bible Code II for two main reasons. First, the book is very exciting in its descriptions of major world events in my lifetime such as 9/11, the Palestinian Intifadas, and Israeli special operations. I also enjoyed reading The Bible Code II because it includes an in-depth analysis of Israeli and Jewish history and Hebrew language, which are my main interests. Flarf is a kind of absurd poetry composed of random internet searches. Bible Code II is a kind of absurd prophesy composed of random bible searches.I'm glad that the prediction of the End of Days in 2006 didn't come true, although I am waiting breathlessly for the next installment in which the spaceship the aliens used to bring DNA to earth will be dug up near the Dead Sea.The scary thing is that author Drosnin was able to reach some people pretty high up in various governments with his crackpot Flarf is a kind of absurd poetry composed of random internet searches. Bible Code II is a kind of absurd prophesy composed of random bible searches.I'm glad that the prediction of the End of Days in 2006 didn't come true, although I am waiting breathlessly for the next installment in which the spaceship the aliens used to bring DNA to earth will be dug up near the Dead Sea.The scary thing is that author Drosnin was able to reach some people pretty high up in various governments with his crackpot apocalypse theories.I was glad to find out the God is a Democrat, having encoded in the bible that Republican George W. Bush won the election 'in error'.